This dialogue with youth was organized in Ban Mae Surin camp on August 29, 2015 with the participation of 21 youth (13 female and 8 male). In the first section, youth were asked to do brain storming about situation in the camp which affect their well-beings and living condition. In the later part, they were encouraged to do brain storming regarding ways to help make the community better using their capability. They came out with drawing presentation in which story and list of community problems and how to make it better were given. The followings were problems they had seen in their community: Domestic violence caused by those using alcohol, exploitation of children and youth by adults who persuaded them to work outside the camp but did not pay them; separated children in community needed love and care; problems from natural disasters, such as fire, floods, and food ration concern, etc.
The last part was to have youth make recommendations toward the problems. The results were as follows: some youth would like to finish their study and became key person to do some good work for their community; some would like to be part of camp committees to solve the camp problems.

Community Problems presented by the youths based on their experiences

This drawing expresses about the fire incident in the camp and their recommendation to camp committee to announce the situation immediately and coordinate with all concerned to help the victims without delay.

Youth express a problem about “child labor-exploitation” by adults who “persuaded children to work outside the camp ” and call for a task force committee to solve the problem
